
Saint Peter Lutheran Church offers activities for every age!

Sunday Worship Services: Sunday at 8:00am & 10:30am

Our congregation is a group of believers in Jesus who love to worship our Savior for all his love to us. The highlight of our week are our Sunday worship services. Each Sunday, we gather at 8:00am and 10:30am to hear God’s promises to us in his Word, rejoice in the forgiveness of sins that Jesus won for us with his death on the cross, and sing songs of praise to our great God for all his love and blessings in our lives.

Sunday School

Sunday School - Website

We offer Sunday School classes for children ages 4 through grade 8. Classes are held from 9:15-10:10 AM each Sunday morning from September through May. We follow the “Christ Light” curriculum, which leads children through all the wonderful stories in both the Old and New Testaments of the Bible. Our Sunday School children present a Christmas program each December on the Sunday before Christmas.


Vacation Bible School

VBS - Website 2015

All children ages 4-14 are invited to our annual Vacation Bible School (VBS), held during the first week of August. Our VBS takes place from 9:00-11:30am from Monday through Thursday. Each year’s VBS uses a different, exciting theme to teach kids important truths about God and his Word. Each day includes Bible stories, fun Christian songs, crafts, snacks, and games. Most importantly, kids will learn about their Savior Jesus and his great love for us.


Jesus Saves! Soccer Camp

Jesus Saves! Soccer Camp is a free, week-long soccer camp open to all children ages 5-12. It is held during the last week of July each summer, at Gault Park in Saint Peter.

And lots more!

Click on the links under the “Activities” tab above to find our more information about other activities that are coming up at our church.